The Changeling review

The Changeling by Victor LaValle Star Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars Format: library eaudiobook Summary: Apollo is blissfully happy with his life, his newborn son and wife make up his happy world. Until, his wife does the unthinkable and he’s left searching for both her and his son. Review: I sooooo enjoyed this book. I thinkContinue reading “The Changeling review”

The Haunting of Hill House review

The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson Star rating: ★★★☆ ☆ 3/5 stars Format: library eaudiobook Summary: Strangers gather together in Hill House to investigate claims that the house is haunted. Review: I don’t think it was bad per say, but it really wasn’t scary. At one point they encounter ghosts picnicking??? Um. Kay,Continue reading “The Haunting of Hill House review”

Queen’s Shadow review

Queen’s Shadow by E. K. Johnston Star Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars Format: library eaudiobook Summary: Padmé Amidala Naberrie is about to step down after her second term as Queen of Naboo, leaving her unsure of what she will do now that she is no longer queen. Review: It’s no secret that I love the womenContinue reading “Queen’s Shadow review”

Daughters Unto Devils review

Daughters Unto Devils by Amy Lukavics Star rating: ★★★★ ☆ 4/5 stars Format: library eaudiobook Summary: Amanda is trying to forget the hard winter of the year before by any means that she can. Her distraction mainly takes the form of Henry, a boy from town. Soon she finds herself pregnant and moving with herContinue reading “Daughters Unto Devils review”

The Winter of the Witch review

The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden Star Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars Format: library hardcover Summary: The third novel of this series offers a conclusion to Vasya’s journey. Vasya wants to help to save Russia, both the human and magical worlds. Review: I’ve loved this series from the start, it’s just such a goodContinue reading “The Winter of the Witch review”

The Woman in the Window review

The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn Star rating: ★★☆☆ ☆ 2/5 stars Format: library eaudiobook Summary: Anna Fox spends all her time in her house, she never leaves due to agoraphobia. To keep herself entertained she watches her neighbors, one night she sees a woman stabbed in the house across the street butContinue reading “The Woman in the Window review”

The Witch of Willow Hall review

The Witch of Willow Hall by Hester Fox Star Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars Format: library eaudiobook Summary: The Montrose family moves out of Boston in 1821 to escape a scandal and start anew. Their new town of New Oldbury is much smaller than Boston and the three sisters have a hard time adjusting. The houseContinue reading “The Witch of Willow Hall review”

The Cottingley Secret review

The Cottingley Secret by Hazel Gaynor Star rating: ★★★★ ☆ 4/5 stars Format: library eaudiobook Summary: This book switches between Olivia in present day and Frances in 1917. The stories intertwine with each other, as Frances finds faeries with her cousin, Olivia finds herself in Ireland after her grandfather’s death. Review: I’ve always been fascinatedContinue reading “The Cottingley Secret review”

Dumplin’ review

Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy Star rating: ★★★★ ☆ 4/5 stars Format: library eaudiobook Summary: Willowdean, self proclaimed fat girl, has to face her mother’s beauty pageant season without her aunt for the first time. Inspired to shake that status quo, Willowdean enters into the pageant her mother runs. Review: This book has been on myContinue reading “Dumplin’ review”

The Cheerleaders review

The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas Star Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars Format: library eaudiobook Summary: Five years ago, three tragic events result in five cheerleaders dying. Afterwards, the grieving town decides not to have high school cheerleaders anymore. Now Monica, the sister of one of the girls is trying to find more answers because it’s notContinue reading “The Cheerleaders review”