June + July 2019 wrap-up

Well I totally missed doing a wrap-up for June and I almost missed July as well. So I’m combining them both here so I can get back on track. Let’s see, live stuff going on… Went camping in July. It was fine, as far as combining two of my least favorite things (camping + beach)Continue reading “June + July 2019 wrap-up”

April 2019 wrap-up

The month started a little rough, with my car in the shop but I think it’s finally fixed, but I think this month actually pulled through for me. It was a little low on the books I read, I’ve fallen a bit behind on my Goodreads challenge but I’m not going to stress over it.Continue reading “April 2019 wrap-up”

February 2019 wrap-up

February always feels so strange, the short month and the weather is usually weird. There’s been a lot of storms and flooding this year. I had an interview for a possible promotion but didn’t make it. I didn’t really expect to get it though, I have pretty low seniority and my interview was a hotContinue reading “February 2019 wrap-up”

December 2018 wrap-up + 2019 plans

Happy 2019! I welcomed the new year by watching Smallfoot and 3Below on Netflix. Smallfoot was okay but 3Below is excellent, it’s a continuation of the Trollhunters series. Guillermo del Toro never fails to make shit I love. I feel pretty successful in my reading this year. I finished all of the popsugar prompts besidesContinue reading “December 2018 wrap-up + 2019 plans”

November 2018 wrap-up

November has been a good month, I found out that yes, I do need reading glasses and got myself a prescription and a pair. It’s made work and leisure reading so much better. I’ve actually gotten pretty behind in my reviews, because I’ve been reading a good amount this month. The holidays are coming fastContinue reading “November 2018 wrap-up”

October 2018 wrap-up

I only just remembered at 11:30 pm that I hadn’t written my monthly wrap up post yet so let’s so if I can actually get it done before it’s technically the second. October was chill and fun. My daughter’s birthday, My Favorite Murder live show and Halloween were some of the really good highlights. IContinue reading “October 2018 wrap-up”

September 2018 wrap-up

September wasn’t a super interesting month. I got sick and that was the most excitement that I had. Mostly just watching different shows with my daughter. Her favorite right now is Nella the Princess Knight, which is pretty stinking cute. But yeah, I’m trying to remember September and it’s just a blah blur. Plus someContinue reading “September 2018 wrap-up”