Surrender the Pink review

Surrender the Pink by Carrie Fisher

Star rating: ★★★★ ☆ 4/5 stars

Format: hardcover

Summary: Soap opera writer Dinah is working on getting over her ex-husband Rudy when he reappears into her life. After hearing all about how great his life is now going with his new girlfriend, Dinah takes the opportunity of the writer’s strike in LA to follow Rudy to the Hamptons as he vacations with his new girlfriend.

Review: In true Carrie Fisher style, this book has a lot of wit to it. It’s interesting to read it because there are definite eighties thoughts and sentiments over the difference between men and women. It sometimes got a little tiring, but at the same time it made sense for the character because of how obsessed she was with trying to figure relationships out.

Dinah did a lot of cringe worthy things that made me want to stop her. Like when she sneaks into her ex-husband’s house and then hides in his closet when she hears him come home. Just don’t do it! Or following Rudy to the Hamptons in the first place. Like, I get it, she was just getting over him and then he shows up, tells her he has a girlfriend and sleeps with her. He just messed around with her because he could.

I didn’t like Rudy much at all. He always seemed like a pretentious jerk. He seemed to believe he was more important than whoever he was in a relationship with. Dinah seemed to understand he was bad for her but unable to escape.

The overall plot wasn’t too great, it was all the witty banter and such that made it good. Dinah’s inner struggle itself, not the journey is what makes this book.

It gets slow in a few spots, and there are a few scenes that don’t seem to be necessary.

Recommendation: I definitely like Postcards from the Edge better than this novel, but I still enjoyed the novel.

Challenge prompt: A book with your favorite color in the title


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