Hallowe’en Party review

Hallowe’en Party by Agatha Christie

Star rating: ★★★☆ ☆ 3/5 stars

Format: library eaudiobook

Summary: During a Halloween party thrown for the local school children, one girl is found drowned in the apple bobbing tub. Poirot is called in to consult and help to discover who could have murdered a child.

Review: I’m starting to suspect I’m not a fan of Poirot. I like Christie’s writing but when it comes to Poirot he bugs the butt out of me. His constant superiority irks me.

Whether it was Poirot or not I just wasn’t super into this book. I don’t know if the fact that the victim is a child kept me from enjoying it or if it just didn’t seem very exciting. Both probably. The whole motive for the murder wasn’t very compelling for me, I kind of rolled my eyes a bit about it.

I did like that one of the women is a single mom who had the child on her own and raised her without ever letting the father know. Especially considering the time period, I was pretty impressed. I think that’s what I like most about Christie’s work. You think hat everything will be so old fashioned when really she’s pretty liberal about these things. Some of the characters may judge the actions but it doesn’t feel like Christie as the author is trying to say these are bad things.

There isn’t much in the novel that really stood out to me. Nothing especially exciting or interesting. It was just more or less a run of the mill murder mystery. I think if you like Poirot then it’s more worth reading but I’m not a fan personally.

Recommendation: Agatha Christie does know how to write a murder mystery well. There’s a reason she has succeeded in remaining popular so long. It wasn’t my favorite but I think if you’re a fan of her work it is still worth a read.

Challenge Prompt: A book about or set on Halloween


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